FAQ's - Sinusitis & Allergy
What are Sinuses?
Sinuses are hollow spaces in the skull that are interconnected. There are four cavities: one behind the cheekbones, one on the center of the forehead, one between the eyes, and one behind the nasal cavity. The link to the nasal passage. Their primary function is to humidify the air we breathe, make the skull feel light, and improve the resonance of our voice.
What Causes a Sinus Infection?
A sinus infection is when the mucus lining gets inflamed. The inflammation causes the channels to block the nasal passage causing discomfiture in breathing, headache & smell disturbances
What are the Symptoms of a Sinus Infection?
• Congestion
• Thick drainage either through the nose or down the back of the throat
• Facial pressure around the eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead
• Reduced sense of smell/taste.
• Coughing
• A sore throat
• Fatigue
What is Chronic Sinusitis?
Chronic sinusitis refers to the sinuses being inflamed for an extended period of time even with the introduction of medication and other attempts at treatment.
How is Sinusitis Diagnosed?
There are many ways, but the most common include a diagnostic video nasal endoscopy which is a short painless office procedure in the OPD. There is also a CT scan that takes images of your sinus and nasal area as a confirmatory evidenced-based criteria to stamp the diagnosis.
How are Sinus Infections Treated?
Treatment plans vary based on the person and their condition. It could well be treated conservatively or even require some sort of surgical intervention to mitigate the annoying problem.
Ear Care - FAQ's
What is Ear Care?
Ear care involves maintenance and preventative steps to protect your ears from internal and auditory damage.
Why is Ear Care Important?
Our ears are a complex and delicate part of the body with important functions of hearing & balance.. Without proper care, we run the risk of incurring problems that could result in permanent damage to these vital physiological functions.
What are the Most Common Ear Problems?
Ear care is designed to help prevent excessive ear wax build-up, ear infections, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss.
What is Ear Wax?
Earwax is produced to self-clean your ears. Excess build-up can cause hearing issues.
How do I Clean My Ears?
A damp washcloth or tissue is sufficient for cleaning the outside of your ear. Avoid putting anything inside the canal or risk causing damage. Consult your ENT specialist to do the clinical assessment & do the internal cleaning in the OPD set up.
What are Ways I can Care for My Ears Daily?
Proper health is important. You can start by:
• Keeping a healthy diet
• Dry your ears with a towel after a shower or swimming
• Keep loud noises to a minimum
• Invest in custom earplugs if you're routinely exposed to loud noises
How do I Protect My Hearing?
Preventing hearing loss is a part of your ear care. There are a few things you can do to avoid hearing loss and tinnitus such as keep the volume to a minimum and wear earplugs at work if you are exposed to loud noises.
What constitutes Pediatric ENT Services?
• Ear ventilation tubes
• Hearing and screening testing
• Tonsils and adenoids
• Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric sleep apnea
What are the signs my child has an EAR infection?
• Pulling of the ears
• Abnormal discharge
• Irritability
• Fever
• Recurrent respiratory infection
How are EAR Infections Treated?
The treatment plan is curated to the needs of your child. Antibiotics are an option but not always necessary. If chronic ear infections persist then ear tubes will allow for the ear to drain and decrease pain. In certain cases, definitive surgery may be required for proper cure.
Head & Neck Cancer - FAQ's
Are there specific risk factors for head and neck cancers?
Yes. Tobacco, alcohol and prolonged sunlight exposure are the most common risk factors.
What are the warning signs of head and neck cancers?
It depends on the location of cancer. Sometimes there are no warning signs. Having any of the following symptoms for more than two weeks warrants visiting the ENT specialist for a clinical evaluation :
• A sore or lump on the lip or in the mouth that doesn’t heal
• A white (leukoplakia) or red patch on the gums, tongue or lining of the mouth
• Unusual bleeding
• Pain or numbness in the mouth
• A sore throat that does not go away
• Difficult or painful chewing or swallowing
Hearing Aids - FAQ's
What Hearing Aid Services do You Provide?
At our center , audiologists work together with the ENT specialist to give you the best treatment. We perform hearing testing to help you identify any hearing loss or presence of tinnitus along with the remedial options available.
Why are my ears ringing continuously?
Ringing, humming, buzzing, or clicking is usually tinnitus. Tinnitus can present itself for a number of reasons, but one of the most common causes of tinnitus is prolonged exposure to loud noises.
How do I Know I Need Hearing Aids?
Hearing loss varies person to person, but the best way to determine whether or not you need hearing aids is to have a hearing test by means of audiometric analysis.
What are my Hearing Aid Options?
With all the technological advancements, patients have a lot of options for hearing aids. You can invest in pre-made or custom hearing aids. Both provide wearers with improvements in audio amplification for better clarity in understanding speech too.
How do I Prevent Hearing Loss?
Proper ear care is the first preventative step. Keep a healthy diet and avoid using cotton swabs when possible. Have your ears regularly checked by your ENT, but most importantly, limit exposure to loud sounds.
What is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?
When sounds are too loud, they can kill off cells in the inner ear. Prolonged exposure means there is more chances for cells to be destroyed. Noise-induced hearing loss is preventable with the right protection.
I Work in a Loud Environment. Does That Mean I Will Lose My Hearing?
Routine exposure to loud noises can diminish our hearing. If you work in a noisy environment, you should invest in custom earplugs to reduce sound pollution.
I am a Musician, Will Custom Earplugs Work for Me?
Absolutely. Today's earplugs are equipped with some of the latest technology that will make it easier to produce quality music for musicians. They provide better sound manipulation and a personalized fit.
Vertigo - FAQ's
What exactly is vertigo?
The precise definition of vertigo is an illusion of motion. But most vertigo sufferers would agree that it refers not just to illusions of motion but chronic or intermittent sensations of loss of balance.
What are common causes of vertigo?
There are many causes of vertigo, but it is commonly caused by cold viruses, head trauma, or Meniere’s disease.
What do these conditions do to cause this problem?
These are all conditions that affect the inner ear. The inner ear is responsible for our sense of balance and also our sense of position in space. When the inner ear malfunctions, we lose our sense of balance and frequently suffer symptoms such as falling, vertigo, nausea, and vomiting.
Snoring & Sleep Apnea - FAQ's
What is snoring?
Snoring is a common disorder that occurs when a sleeping person breathes and tissues in the back of the throat vibrate. Often, the snoring sound is produced by vibrations of the soft palate, which is located in the tissue in the back of the mouth. Sometimes snoring sounds can be produced by the tongue base moving during sleep. Snoring implies that there is a partial obstruction of the airflow during sleep.
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a person has obstructed airflow during sleep. The obstructed airflow causes damage because oxygen levels drop during the disrupted breathing. This drop-in oxygen level causes a change in the pulse and blood pressure, which causes damage to the cardiovascular system and may cause disrupted sleep that is not detected by the patient. Sometimes, sleep apnea occurs without snoring.
How is primary snoring different from sleep apnea?
In primary snoring, oxygen levels are maintained at a normal level and there is not significant airway obstruction. In addition, the obstruction is not enough to cause arousal and sleep are not disrupted. In sleep apnea, there is partial obstruction of airflow that causes oxygen levels to drop.
What is the surgical treatment for snoring & sleep apnea ?
It is a minimally invasive technique with the use of laser or cubulation technology to stiffen the palate and widen the respiratory lumen around the soft palate for better oxygenation during breathing. Also, a a measured trimming of redundant tissue helps in reducing snoring levels, especially during sleep. When combined with the correction of nasal obstruction and tongue base obstruction, it is an extremely effective way to treat snoring and sleep apnea.
Throat Care - FAQ's
Why is Throat Care Important?
Your throat helps you swallow and speak. When there are issues with the throat, it affects your quality of life. You can also develop severe issues like cancer in the throat. Regular check-ups with your doctor is the first step in throat health.
What is Tonsillitis and How is it Treated?
Tonsillitis is the name for inflamed tonsils. You can tell tonsillitis is present when they are visible, and the throat is sore. Children can also experience fever, tenderness when swallowing, and enlarged lymph nodes on the neck.
At-home care is usually recommended. Lots of rest, fluids, and foods that are easy to swallow. If a bacterial infection causes tonsillitis, antibiotics might be prescribed. Children who suffer from chronic tonsillitis may have them surgically removed. Your ENT specialist will make that decision when necessary.
What are Lymph Nodes in the neck ?
Lymph nodes fight infection. They trap foreign substances and filter them out of the body. Because they are exposed to bacteria and viruses, they too can become infected. You will notice swelling and tenderness around the neck if your lymph nodes are inflamed. If present, visit a specialist to assess clinically.
What Does the Thyroid Do?
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ along the base of the neck. It releases hormones to stabilize the metabolism. Just like any other part of the body, the thyroid can experience some hiccups. If there are too many or too few hormones being produced, you might experience issues with your weight.
What are Thyroid Nodules?
Thyroid nodules are solid fluid-filled lumps that develop inside the thyroid. They present themselves under different conditions. One could be the presence of a cyst. Another could be adenoma which includes an overgrowth of healthy thyroid tissue. At times , these nodules are the initial presentations of a cancer within. Your doctor will help you make a diagnosis.
What are Vocal Polyps & How are they treated ?
A vocal polyp is a benign growth on your vocal cords. Sometimes you can get cysts and nodules on your vocal cord as well. All of which will result in hoarseness. They can materialize with overuse of the voice. Singers are susceptible to these types of growths.
It depends on the type of lesion. The correct diagnosis is required to identify the best treatment plan. Sometimes they can be treated through behavioral changes, through the use of medications, or changes in diet. Your doctor can give you more information.

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