Symptoms of Dry Mouth:

Symptoms of dry mouth:
Sore throat
Constant thirst
Hoarse voice
Dry eyes, nasal passages, and/or skin
Cracked, dry lips
Burning sensation in the mouth
Difficulties in chewing and swallowing food, or needing to sip fluids in order to eat dry foods comfortably
Changes to taste sensation
Bad breath, also known as halitosis
#DryMouth, #Xerostomia, #Saliva, #ChronicXerostomia, #Hyposalivation, #SoreThroat, #ConstantThirst, #HoarseVoice, #Halitosis, #ToothDecay, #Gingivitis, #SjögrensSyndrome, #RheumaticDiseases, #AntiPsychotics, #AntiDepressants, #DeviatedSeptum, #NasalPolyps
KEYWORDS: Dry Mouth, Xerostomia , Saliva, Chronic Xerostomia, Hyposalivation, Sore Throat, Constant Thirst, Hoarse Voice, Halitosis, Tooth Decay, Gingivitis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, Rheumatic Diseases, Anti-Psychotics, Anti-Depressants, Deviated Septum, Nasal Polyps.
For further queries about the infections, diseases, and treatments of the ear, nose or throat, Dr Mohanty’s Speciality ENT Clinics in Chennai, India can help in a number of ways,

Dr Mohanty’s Speciality ENT Clinics
Manapakkam, Chennai, India.
For Consultation: +91 97910 74677