We are pleased to inform you all that,
Prof. Dr Sanjeev Mohanty, MBBS, MS, FICS, EBORL (Germany), Senior Consultant & Head Institute of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery, MGM Healthcare, Chennai is Visiting SIMPLEEKARE HEALTH, Bhubaneswar N2 19, N2, Block N2, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751015 on 19th JUNE 2022 (SUN) | 10:00 AM TO 1:00 PM.
Please feel to contact us at the following phone number for a prior appointment.
PH : +91 98401 31091
#health #camp #ent #CochlearImplantation #EndoscopicEarSurgery #CoblationassistedAdenotonsillectomy #EndoscopicSinusSurgery #ObstructiveSleepApnoea #SleepSurgery #Tympanoplasty #Mastoidectomy #Stapedotomy #Thyroidectomy #Parotidectomy #TotalLaryngectomy #NeckDissection #Phonosurgery #MicrolaryngealSurgery #FunctionalAestheticRhinoplasty #EndoscopicSkullBaseSurgery #EndoscopicNasoOrbitProcedures #CoblationassistedENTSurgery #OtosclerosisAssessmentSurgery #CholesteatomaMicroSurgery #MicroEar #Facialnerveparalysistreatment #Bhubaneswar