Tongue-tie – also known as ankyloglossia—occurs when a band of tissue connects the tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Tongue-tie, which is present at birth, not only interferes with the way a child speaks, but it also limits the way he or she eats or swallows. It can also interfere with breastfeeding. It can be easily fixed by a simple tongue-tie surgery , performed in operating room.
What Are the Symptoms of Tongue-Tie?
§ Inability to lift the tongue to the upper teeth.
§ Trouble moving the tongue from one side of the mouth to the other.
§ Difficulty sticking out the tongue beyond the lower front teeth.
§ A tongue that appears heart-shaped or notched.
§ Speech problems.
It’s also believed that tongue-tie may run in families, and it’s more common in boys than girls.

How Is Tongue-Tie Corrected?
The correct course of treatment is highly individualized. In some cases, it may be necessary to correct it as soon as possible after the infant is born---particularly if tongue-tie can interfere with breastfeeding. Depending upon the extent of the tongue-tie, a ‘ wait-and-watch ‘ approach may also be appropriate.
What Is a Frenotomy?
During this procedure, the lingual frenulum (band of tissue) is snipped so it no longer anchors the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. The pain is minimal because there aren’t many nerve endings in the tissue.
What Is a Frenuloplasty?
If the tissue is too thick for a frenotomy, a frenuloplasty is needed.When the tissue is snipped, sutures are required. These will absorb during the healing process. Sometime , speech therapy sessions post operatively, helps in proper use of speech & language.
For further queries about the infections, diseases, and treatments of the ear, nose or throat, Dr Mohanty’s Speciality ENT Clinics in Chennai, India can help in a number of ways,

Dr Mohanty’s Speciality ENT Clinics
Manapakkam, Chennai, India.
For Consultation: +91 97910 74677